Quality Residential Solar Panels

Erus Energy offers a variety of options to get residential solar panels in Arizona, New Mexico and Texas. The decision to invest in residential solar panels involves several factors. Many homeowners look at upfront costs, potential volume of power that can be generated, leasing options vs. purchase, and energy bill savings. Every home and property is different, with different variables affecting how the system will be designed, and how much power it will produce. The solar experts at Erus Energy know the ins and outs of all of these variables. Our residential solar panels have helped thousands of customers take advantage of clean, renewable energy, and save a lot on their energy bills.

Reduce energy waste with residential solar panels.

Reducing energy waste with residential solar panels can make a considerable difference in your energy costs and usage. This step is an important part of home energy management. It is done by implementing our energy-efficient solutions into your home and making it run more efficiently. Our energy-efficient solutions include:

  • Aeroseal. This product seals your ducts from the inside to make heating and cooling your home more efficient which in turn lowers your energy usage.
  • Perfect Power Box is a complete electrical system solution that reduces EMF radiation and energy consumption.


It’s also possible to own your own system and take advantage of the best way to go solar – become energy independent! The highest benefit comes from owning the system, but also requires more upfront cost. However, Erus Energy will help you qualify for Federal Tax Incentives through the Solar Tax Credit.


Leasing is our most budget-friendly option for getting solar on your house or on your property. With predictable monthly rates, you can lock in lease payments with no increase in rates. You also continue to save on your energy costs each month, and you will see your energy bills begin to get lower over time. There is normally no upfront cost to leasing your solar energy system.


This is another great option to go solar while saving money on your energy costs. You pay little or no upfront costs, and instead you purchase the power generated by your solar energy system, rather than from your power company. Your monthly electric bill is lower, and you lock in rates for years to come, giving you predictable solar electricity costs.

Get Solar Panels With $0 Down

Our rooftop solar panels systems are the best on the market. We install, finance and warranty our solar panels and service. Get started with with no up-front payments. You may also qualify for excellent solar incentives and add value to your home.

Durable Solar Panels

Known for superior quality and reliability, our home solar and storage systems are created to last for decades.

Hassle-Free Evaluation

We’ll take care of the paperwork and permits and handle all aspects of your solar and battery system installation.

Solar Incentives

Qualify for federal, state, and local incentives, like tax credits, solar rebates, sales and property tax exemptions, and more.

Calculate your savings below.

Use this solar panel calculator to estimate your solar potential and savings for your home. Savings estimate is based on your roof and monthly electricity bill.

Our Project Managers will help you know in minutes if going solar is right for your home. Get solar panel installation for your home with the best financing options and the best product and service warranty in the industry.

© Copyright Erus Energy. Disclosure: A solar power system is customized for your home or commercial building, so pricing and savings vary based on location, system size, government rebates, and utility rates. Savings based on your electricity rates are not guaranteed. Financing terms also varies by location. OAC. Erus Builders, LLC DBA Erus Energy AZ: ROC 305508. NM: GB02 #382417. TX: TECL #30936. SC: G120073. FL: EC13007730.

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